Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Consequences of Alcohol Possession by Youth

Providing youth with alcohol has clear consequences, which will be discussed in the appropriately titled entry above. However, what are the penalties for youth who acquire alcoholic beverages with the knowledge of the legality issues surrounding such behaviour?

The attitudes in regards to alcohol drinking are morphing in response to the consequences of excessive consumption. Consequences such as impaired driving and physically hurting oneself while under the influence. Alcohol alters one’s sense of reality and one’s inhibitions, and can lead to behaviours that one would not engage in while sober. The rates of hospitalizations for external causes related to alcohol are highest for younger Canadians (http://www.ccsa.ca/2004%20CCSA%20Documents/ccsa-004840-2004.pdf).

In Canada, you must be 19 to drink alcohol in all provinces and territories, except in Manitoba, Alberta, and Quebec where the LDA (legal drinking age) is 18 (http://www.drinkingfacts.ca/english/downloads/discussion_guide.pdf). The legal liability for under-age youth who acquire alcohol includes being charged with a provincial offense, a fine, and even jail time. Some universities, like the University of Waterloo, can sanction an individual under the university’s bylaws (http://www.dontbethatguy.ca/alcohol_law.html?keepThis=true&TB_iframe=true&height=400&width=525).

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