Thursday, November 20, 2008

Implementation: Partnerships

In moving forward with implementing a new policy, it is important to form partnerships with individuals, groups, and organizations that have already established public respect or are known within the society that we are working in. Established bodies have influence and are seen as legitimate, and are therefore heard by an abounding number of people.

Celebrities have fame and many instances are held in high esteem by individuals in society. For many years celebrities have taken on causes that they believe in.
Muhammad Ali, Heavy Weight Champion of the World, is an advocate against drinking and smoking. He is quoted in the following:
“I don’t drink or smoke. I never have, which is why I’m so pretty and still the champ. If you want to be the greatest, leave alcohol alone.” (Teenage Drinking, P.76) Hearing a famous person, whom many admire and aspire to emulate, say that drinking is not favourable has an impact on how people then choose to act.

Partnerships with organizations such as the United Way, which have already implemented and endorsed youth-focused social actions that are inclusive in their campaigns, are beneficial in that they provide information and support. Part of the United Way, Youthunited is a for-youth-by-youth initiative so as philanthropists, teens give time, talent and or money to youth-focused programs at United Way member agencies. In return, teens are offered an opportunity to be heard and many venues for developing and honing leadership skills, gaining practical life and job experiences, and accumulating community service hours ( Such an endeavor shows the value of youth participation in social reform, and helps minimize stereotypes of youth as inadequate members of society.

Partnerships usually help establish credibility which is necessary in advancing a cause and bringing issues to light. Community groups and organizations, schools, local government representatives, celebrities are all possible allies and supports that could help in connecting with various members of society whom ultimately have the power to bring about change.

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